Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brother SX-4000 Electronic Typewriter

Buy Cheap Brother SX-4000 Electronic Typewriter

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The SX-4000 is a mid-level portable daisywheel typewriter with a 16-character LCD display and a 70,000 word dictionary. Its features include the Perfectype professional touch keyboard, automatic "word-out" and "line-out" correction memory, automatic underling, bold printing, right margin flush and view mode. It has a variable 10/12/15 pitch typing selector and automatic paper insertion.

Technical Details

- Perfectype professional touch keyboard
- 70,000 word dictionary with error-locating FIND feature
- Line-by-line printing
- Automatic relocation after correction
- 1-year limited warranty
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "-Only- about Brother's Customer Service" 2009-07-28
By J
I have a Brothers' laser printer, all in one, and in general have found their products to be reliable and to never need repair. However, I called Brother's main line because I wanted some information about a typewriter. I had contacted the company via e-mail and had not received a response. First, the representative who answered did not listen to me and spoke so quickly that he directed me to the wrong department. When I called back, he gave me another number, then hung up with hardly a thank you. When I called the second number he gave me, this representative asked me what I product I wanted. I told him I didn't know; thus my call to ask questions. In response to this he asked for my phone number. I gave my phone number and expected to ask some questions; instead, he stated that in order to continue, he wished for more information (I had not even bought anything) but that if I didn't want to give any personal information, I had to say "refuse" or "continue." I said I just had some questions because I did not think he would need any personal info if I just wanted some answers without committing to buy anything. To my surprise, the gentleman stated again, (quickly and abruptly, like the first representative), "In order to continue, you -must- say "Refuse" or "Continue!") This felt very strange to me. I felt very robotic and awkward and forced myself to do what he told me to do -- i.e.; say "refuse." When I asked my questions, he listed serial numbers so quickly that I had to repeat them back and I -felt- he was extremely impatient. When my questions were answered, I said "Thank you," but he had already said a "Thank you" and had hung up!

This is just from a customer service point of view, and it is from brother's headquarters, not related to Amazon's sales, I believe. But just FYI. I still like and trust brother's -products- very much.

I called Smith Corona and a gentleman named Bill answered and was quite nice and directed me to the model that would suit my needs because he knew what questions to ask a customer -- I believe that as a company, one should expect a customer to know less about the company's product and to help educate the customer re: the company's products as opposed to being unreceptive to customers' questions.

Just my two cents.

Customer Buzz
 "Simple, neat, but lacks memory function" 2009-06-12
By Fred
The typewriter is easy to operate due to its simplicity. However, it lacks a memory function for addresses or repeated phrases. Its visual typing window is very legible, and so far it has been an excellent typewriter for short typing applications.

Customer Buzz
 "A great typewriter" 2009-05-17
By KM (Madison, WI USA)
I received this for a gift and am extremely happy with it. I love to write short stories but often have writer's block, so I'm excited to have a new format. The best part about this typewriter is that even though it's electronic, it still makes the familiar old "clacking" sound as you type, and has the familiar typewriter font--really sets the mood for creative writing. I wouldn't have expected a typewriter to have spell-check, but this one does--it makes a little dinging sound if you spell a word incorrectly, and gives you the ability to erase one letter, the word, or an entire line with the (included and already installed) correction tape. You can adjust the positioning of the paper yourself with the knob on the side, which would be helpful when filling out forms. Includes a keyboard cover to keep dust out of the keys, and a carrying handle. Overall, the typewriter is easy to set up and use.

Customer Buzz
 "Very Good Typewriter for the Money" 2009-03-29
By David W. Bobb (Rockville, MD)
If there are times when a computer just won't do, this is a great typewriter for the money. Despite the many features it has, it is very easy to learn to use and I have had no maintenance problems whatsoever. I purchased it to take the DC Bar Exam and it worked well over 6 hours of intensive use. The only issue I noticied was when typing in the Line Print mode, sometimes the words would merge together leaving a non-sensical word. Overall though, it held up well and performed up to expectations for my needs. Certainly a good product for the money.

Customer Buzz
 "Brother SX-4000 Typewriter" 2009-03-05
By Beekay (San Francisco, CA USA)
Although the bulk of my typing these days is on a computer (Microsoft Word), a typewriter fills a much needed gap--for typing on pre-printed forms,application forms, odd-sized pieces of paper, etc. When my old Xerox Memorywriter finally went to typewriter heaven after 20 years I was looking for a reasonably priced electronic typewriter and the Brother SX-4000 meets my needs perfectly. It has all the features of more expensive machines, like display, half-backspace, bold type, to state a few "bells and whistles." I confidently recommend this machine for personal needs.

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Buy Brother SX-4000 Electronic Typewriter Now